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Admission Faqs

What is the system of admission at the university, and what does it mean that the admission is annual?
It means that application for admission is made once in the beginning of the academic year; there shall be no admission in the second
Is there a priority of admission on basis of  the date of applying?
There is no priority of admission on the  basis of the date of applying. Thus, it does not matter whether the application is made on the first
or the last day as long as it is within the period assigned to submission.
Is the priority of admission given for those graduating from high school this year?
The priority of admission is based on the compound average provided that no more than five years have passed since your graduation
from high school.
If I was registered on the portal last year and I was not be admitted, should I access the previous application or make a new one?
A new application should be made.     
Could I apply anew to a university while I am registered as a student at another university?
The student attending a university may not apply on the portal, unless he/she withdrew.        
What are the available specialties for admission at the four universities?
You can access the link of specialties for male students and for female students on
the website of the unified electronic admission portal to review the available specialties for the academic year 1433/1434 AH.
How many preferences should the student enter?
He/she should enter (15) preferences and it is advisable to arrange the remaining preferences in order of priority.
Could I change my password, and how?
It can be changed through the link available on your account on the unified electronic admission portal.
Could I rearrange the preferences after being saved?
Yes. It can be done by clicking on the preference amendment option located at the bottom of the page of the preference selection.
Can the student use the results which he got last year in the aptitude and achievement tests?
Yes. The student may use the results of tests last year.
Grades of the aptitude or achievement test are not the same as they are on the measurement website, hence I cannot log on?
You can send an email through the link of Contact Us on the home page of the portal stating your name and national number. After that,
your data is updated and login is possible after 24 hours as of updating.
How can I get my aptitude test grade? And what is the result that is used for admission if the student has entered the general
aptitude test more than once?

You can get the grade through the website of the National Center for Measurement and Assessment in the Higher Education . The highest result that the student gets in the general aptitude test is used.
How are non-Saudi students of Saudi mothers admitted?
Non-Saudi students of Saudi mothers are treated as Saudi students. The student enters his/her own ID number on the residence permit.
After approval, the student should send, by Express Mail in the specified period, the file, the original high school certificate, and copies of
the residence permit, passport, birth certificate and his mother's national ID card in addition to the application form, which the female
student's guardian should sign.
How are non- Saudi students admitted?
Universities admit a limited number of distinguished students. Students should follow up on websites of universities in order to know the
admission procedure in the university, and then they should follow up on the Deanship of Admissions and Registration at the university.
 Results are announced after the approval of the competent authorities of the State according to the official regulating procedures.


How do students know the result of admission, and when are text messages  SMS received by students?
Students should log into their accounts on the announced dates stated in the application timetable. For further affirmation, text messages
and mail are sent. The text messages are sent to students' cell-phones when entering the civil registration number, saving preferences,
nomination for interviews, and releasing the results of admission.
If I am not admitted to health colleges due to the personal interview, will the second preference be fulfilled?  
If you are not admitted to the health track, you can compete for the rest of the colleges and you still have a chance to rearrange your
preferences of the rest of the colleges until the date of closing the portal for the rest of the colleges.
Should the copies of high school certificate be ratified by the school?
Ratification of the copies of high school certificate is not required.   
Why was I not admitted to some specialties even though my average is high in high school, and applicants with lower averages
were admitted?

University admission depends on a range of criteria that vary in weight from one specialty to another. These criteria and their weight
are announced to all before the advent of admission procedures. For example, the health track depends on the specified compound
Is there another opportunity to apply for the university for those who missed the registration?
There is no other opportunity to apply for the university after the end of the period allotted to applying to public universities.
What happens if the student does not hand over the required documents in the specified period?
The university has the right to cancel his/her admission.
When can I take out  the university ID card?
Dates vary according to the university to which you are admitted. You ought to review the website of the university to which you are
admitted so as to know the dates and how you will be contacted.
Can I borrow my high school certificate for some time without considered this a withdrawal from university?
Out of cooperation from the university, in the cases that require borrowing the origin of the high school certificate, the Deanship
will consider the approval of the request for purposes that do not contradict with the principle on which the Deanship requests to
retain the certificate.   

Is it possible to study at the university as an external student?
external study is not available at King Saud University.

Has the bridging system been applied at King Saud University?
Bridging is currently confined at King Saud University on: 

1. Admission for a specific number of distinguished recipients of associate degree from the College of Applied Studies and Community Service
of King Saud University in specific majors., 
2. Admission for a specific number in the College of Nursing at  King Saud  University for diploma degree holders from nursing colleges and institutes of health. more on the Nursing Bridging Program

Is there distance education at King Saud University?
No. Distance education is not available at King Saud University.
Is it possible to admit non-Saudi students?
In pursuit of attracting distinguished non-Saudi students, the university considers, according to the availability of seats and incoming
directions, to admit a number of non-Saudi students in compliance with the regulations announced in each academic year.

Do I have the right to postpone my admission for next year?
Postponing admission is not possible for the Bachelor's or diploma degree, but reapplication for admission next year is possible.

If I withdraw my file from the university, when could I have the right to reapply?
 If you apply to withdraw the file during the first month in the admission period, you will be considered  a non-matriculated student
withdrawing from admission. As a result, you will be entitled to apply  to the University, when it is announced that admission is open,
as a new student according to the admission requirements stated at the time.
 If one month passes after being awarded admission , you will be considered a matriculated student withdrawing from the university.
Thus,  you are entitled to apply to the college to which you were admitted for reinstatement on the basis of  your previous status before
withdrawal according to the rules and regulations. 
If four semesters pass after terminating  your university enrollment, you are eligible to apply as a new student  according to the
applicable rules and regulations.
What is the mechanism applied in the nomination of staff and teachers to study at the university?
The applied mechanism in this case is the presence of a nomination letter from your administration at the university stating its consent
to your nomination. Then it is forwarded to the concerned college to study your application with other similar ones.

What are the admission requirements for graduate studies?
You can check with the Deanship of Graduate Studies as the admission for graduate studies is conducted through them:

How can the visiting student be admitted to King Saud University in the summer session?
    As for visiting students for the summer session, application begins before the start of the study in the summer session by one week.
Registration for visiting students is conducted after the completion of registration for regular students. You ought to review the procedures
and terms of visiting students on this link:

Last updated on : May 29, 2024 10:41am